I love all "-gate" suffixed political scandals. This one may soon become my favorite, though. You probably heard earlier in the week that Obama and Biden went out for lunch at Ray's Hell Burger in Arlington, VA. At the time the reports stuck mostly to the basics: they both ordered burgers, with salad and tater tots (they don't have fries) as sides. Obama got a bottled water. Well apparently there are clips of Obama requesting spicy mustard on his burger.
So somehow this caused Sean Hannity et. al to pop a major conservative blood vessel in their collective forehead. Because spicy = dijon = French, elitist, and un-American (nevermind the yellow Uhmurrikun stuff is called French's). Furthermore, they have indicted the liberal media (MSNBC) because Andrea Mitchell was talking over the spicy mustard request. Vast liberal conspiracy (that happens live)!
And now a Cornell law professor has charted the history of Obama's relationship with dijon mustard, chiefly embodied in Grey Poupon. But kiddies, you seem to be missing a step. Grey Poupon, despite those silly commercials, is not elitist or French. It's Kraft.
Don't know how I missed this on last night's O'Reilly... C'mon people, don't we have better things to sqwauk about? Yellow American Mustard v. Slightly Browner American Mustard?? Seriously?
Side-note: mini political turmoils have also popped up because the burgers were medium-well (overcooked), topped with ketchup (sneer) and of course were beef (PETA).
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