Friday, March 27, 2009

Salmon in Coffee Marinade

Sometimes inspiration strikes in the strangest ways. Whilst doing our regular trek through the food Disneyland that is the Pittsford Wegmans, we were offered a free sample (which I never turn down) of cod. The Boy was enjoying a cup of coffee (the Donut Shop blend, v. good) and was resistant to eating the fish when his mouth was still awash in coffee-ness. However, he relented and then (Eureka!) had a vision of this crazy-awesome marinade, which he then used on salmon a few days later.

Since marinades aren't really a precise science like, say, baking, and since The Boy considers himself something of a culinary improvisational artist, this is basically an ingredient list. You can always alter the ratios should your little heart desire.

First you'll need enough fish (we used 6 oz. salmon fillets, I heartily recommend the Pittsford Seafood Market for all your pescatory needs). And a baking dish to fit the fish in. And an oven.

Coffee (probably 1 1/2 cups per fillet, enough to coat the bottom of the baking dish)
Soy sauce (I would estimate 7-8 stabbing motions with the open upside-down bottle)
Few drops of olive oil
Little more lemon or lime juice than oil
Brown sugar (probably 1/4 cup or so)
Spices (now this is where it gets interesting-- he used garlic, pepper, and coriander)
And if I know The Boy, there was probably some Sriracha (Vietnamese hot sauce) in there.

Preheat at 350, put fish in the dish first, then combine marinade ingredients in a separate bowl and pour over the fish. Cover with aluminum foil. Cook until the internal temperature (at the center of each fillet) is at least 140 degrees. Take the dish out and the foil off and make sure the fish is flaky. You can do this by scratching the surface of the fillet with a knife; it should start to kind of fall apart.

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