The first major change from PNs of old was to make our own pizza dough. Since I am thoroughly unskilled as a baker, we left this to Jay's very capable flour-covered hands.
Step One: four cups of flour to make four pizzas (seems pretty easy to increase or decrease to your own specs). Add salt.
Step Two: Add vital wheat gluten. This is the binding agent. Then add 1 1/2 cups of warm water to active yeast in a separate bowl, stirring until brown and bubbly. Add into flour mixture.

Step Four: Knead for 15 minutes, activating the gluten. (Jay's Tip: rinse out bowl with water while kneading, then dry bowl well so dough can be placed back into bowl without a hardened mess later).
Step Five: Let rise in bowl, covered and in a warm place, 1 hour, then punch down a bit, and return for another 15 minutes to proof.
Step Six: Begin to punch dough again, still on flour-covered surface (adding more flour as needed). Divide into 4 balls for each pizza. Work by hand, or use rolling pin or hand-tossing. Stretch dough until it begins to windowpane (stretch thin without forming holes).

Step Seven: Form round(ish) shape, rolling up edges for a crust, directly onto a wooden peel.
Step Eight: Prepare toppings, placing thicker ones between pizza sauce and cheese and ones that should get crispy on top.
Step Nine: Place on pizza stone (which has been preheating) in oven, 500 degrees for 13 minutes. (Checking on bubbly-cheese status periodically).
Step Ten: Remove from oven when cheese is golden brown. Let cool on peel. Transfer, cut, and serve!
To make up for our neophyte baker status, the Boy and I went wild over the toppings. Our ingredient list was so intensive that we had to write it up on a white board to keep track of every possible permutation of pizza available. Here are the final four:
Pizza #1: Roasted red pepper sauce base (remember the Backwoods Birthday party recipe?), roasted poblano pepper strips, Monterey Jack cheese, fresh cilantro, and thinly sliced tomatillos. A little Mexican flavor.

Pizza #3: The palate cleanser. Pizza Margherita. Tiny bit of marinara, fresh and smoked mozzarella, fresh basil.
Pizza #4: Thai peanut sauce, chorizo, shrimp in Thai curry sauce, fresh mozzarella, tomatillos, fresh cilantro. The "get crazy with the Cheez Wiz" mystery pizza. Fantastico!

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