After much rain, high winds, and 40 degree mornings, even a stalwart Champion of Summer like myself cannot deny the reality we are all presented with: It is Fall. We must bundle up and begin to cope -- preferably with Pumpkin Spice Lattes and apple pies!
Cauliflower Soup from The Dabble.
Polenta Sandwich with Greens and Cheese from Serious Eats. (Man, I have much love for polenta, along with her sister Grits, and I can never figure out a way to use them. I can see frying them on a griddle and putting some portabellos in there too. Or the old Thanksgiving Leftover scenario).
Caramel Corn Doughnuts from Playing with Fire and Water. (despite not loving caramel corn or doughnuts, these look fantastic. I think it's the close proximity to my fall favorite -- caramel apples).
Time for a crunchy-leafy walk to Stever's for caramel apples. Or a trip to Hilton for the Apple Fest this weekend!
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