"Q: Hey John T! Now that Bob & I are in Columbia, SC, I’m wondering about distinctive South Carolina versions of Southern fare–ones that a pescatarian like myself might appreciate. Great to see you in the NYT! — Debra Rae Cohen
John T. Edge replies: In Columbia, I would go vegetarian. Seriously. I would head to Anson Mills, grinder of corn and other grains. They’re among the best in the country at what they do. Thomas Keller and other fancy-pants chefs buy their polenta. Very exacting standards. Very conducive to fat pats of butter. Last time I was in Columbia, Anson was doing their grinding in a dump of a building set behind a car wash on Gervais Street. Ask for Glenn Roberts, the proprietor."
What, no love for Adluh?
And if you're ever interested in plumming the depths of American cooking, John T is the man who wrote the book on hamburgers, apple pie, doughnuts, and fried chicken!
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