It's a fruit from Indonesia and Malaysia that looks like yellow custard inside and a Medieval instrument of torture outside. Pregnant women and people with high blood pressure are traditionally advised not to eat it. Even more imposing is its odor. The ever-quotable Anthony Bourdain claims: "Your breath will smell as if you'd been French-kissing your dead grandmother." This gives you an idea of how hard the flavor of durian is to describe. Some food writers or naturalists have said it smells like stale vomit, like rotten onions, and like turpentine. Anthony Burgess said is was like eating raspberry custard in a bathroom. This from the man who brought you A Clockwork Orange.
Something so indescribable can only be understood if experienced.
SEA offers a durian smoothie (and lots of other better-tasting fruit flavors), but the two times I've had the chutzpah to order it, they were fresh out. Hard to believe, I know. Despite one of the employees telling me it will make my breath smell for days, I will not be deterred in my quest. Asia Market on West Henrietta Road may just be the place...
I tried Durian fruit after buying one from a floating village in Vietnam. The best way I would describe it - it tastes like Home Cooking. Very filling and substantial. The smell only becomes pungent when its been cut open and sitting out for a while.